Ryerson, Ali 4 Jazz Duets

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4 Jazz Duets for 2 Flutes

score and parts

Partitur und Stimmen

Endlich(!), hier ist meine erste Sammlung von swingenden Jazz-Duetten für klassische und Jazz-Flötisten gleichermaßen. Diese coolen Melodien und groovenden Jazz-Rhythmen werden Euer Flötenduo in ein echtes Jazz-Duo verwandeln! Ein paar Tipps, um den echten Jazz-Klang auf der Flöte zu erreichen: Versucht, etwas weniger Vibrato zu verwenden; spielt mit einem subtilen Swing-Gefühl (Swing-8tel-Noten); verwendet die Legato-Zunge (sofern nicht anders gekenn-zeichnet) als Eure "Standard"-Jazz-Artikulation.

Zwei der vier Duette, "Daytime Blues" und "In the Shade", bieten einen "Solo-Abschnitt", in dem Ihr entweder über eine 12-taktige Blues-Akkordfolge improvisieren (Akkordsymbole sind markiert) oder das optionale ausgeschriebene Solo spielen könnt.

Ich hoffe, Ihr habt genauso viel Spaß beim Spielen dieser Jazz-Duette wie ich!

Ali Ryerson



This set of four duets is designed for both classical and jazz players and provides an enjoyable introduction into the jazz idiom. Ryerson gives advice on how to create a jazz sound, including using legato tonguing as a default, reducing the amount of vibrato used and lightly swinging the quavers. The first two duets, Daytime Blues and In the Shade, provide opportunities for improvised solos over a 12-bar blues pattern, with chord symbols provided as well as a written-out version of the solo for those with less confidence to improvise. This is an excellent opportunity to develop an understanding of both the construction of the 12-bar blues pattern and to gain experience in improvising, all within the safe environment of a flute duet rehearsal! Both players have the opportunity to have a go at creating a solo, meaning that this is potentially an area an established duo can develop together. Each of the duets is relatively short and well suited for intermediate players. The score is well presented in a typical jazz-style type face, with both parts and the score provided. The pieces are fun and capture Ryerson’s characteristic energy. These are an excellent starting point for anyone interested in venturing into the jazz domain, as well as enjoyable, well-written pieces which provide scope for those with more jazz experience to explore style and interpretation in more depth. Ideal for students and amateurs alike, these are likely to become quite a big hit.
